Comments for #2 Dream Analysis Sand Tray for Sand Tray Therapy Class

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My Dream Interpretation of a Dream Interpretation
by: Anonymous

Dreams interpretation call for a metaphorical interpretation, not for a literal interpretation. The smell in this student's dream interpretation is very strong and that is the most important clue. The sense of smell is primitive and our most powerful connection to our memories from the past, from our childhood. When our memory is compromised (as in the case of dementia) so is our sense of smell.

The buzzing of the bees has nothing to do with bees--I suspect it has to do with this student's loud internal dialogue. My guess is she may be motivated to keep herself very busy and very distracted not to remember an incident that possibly happened before she was 12 years old. Her memory circuit has made an association between the previous incident and some smell she perceived and coded at the same time.

This is my own dream interpretation.

Sand Tray Therapy Dream Sand Tray Translation
by: student #6 summer 2014

In viewing your dream sand tray therapy tray, I am immediately noticed the size of the bee, it is bigger than anything else in your world. You stated that the bee represented the noise you were hearing. Hearing strange noises in your dreams can signify the unexpected and the unknown. You could be expressing some fear or confusion about a situation in your life. The noise in your dream may serve as a way to attract your attention to that issue. Alternatively, a noise represents a breakthrough into your personal struggles. Perhaps you need to be more vocal and be heard. Or perhaps you need to break through a barrier that has been holding you back. Could any of those things be true? There are many lizards surrounding the light and looking in the direction of the bee. The lizards can symbolize your instincts and reactions to a certain stimuli. Lizards by nature are slimy, and you have 4 of them in your dream. Does this mean there was a lot of slim? Or could the four be symbolic? I noticed the sand was uneven and there are some patterns in the sand. This can represent the confusion and feelings of unknown that you were experiencing. The wetness in your dream may indicate that you are overwhelmed with emotions, maybe in this dream or in your life. The light is in the center of the tray and in the dream. You are able to see what is going on by means of the light source. To see light in your dream represents illumination, clarity, guidance, plain understanding, and insight. Light is being shed on a once cloudy situation or problem. You have found the truth to a situation or an answer to a problem. Also consider the color of the light for additional significance. I’m wondering why you choose the Diego figure to represent you in the dream? Also, it is interesting that the Diego figure is furthest from the light source. You stated the bee represented the annoying noises you heard could it also represent hard work. Bees can also represent the things that are happening in your life or something that is buzzing with activity. Is there a lot going on in your life? I’ve enjoyed viewing your world!

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Sand Tray Therapy Translation Response
by: Student #5

The focal point for this sand tray for sand tray therapy appears to be where the light is coming from. It took me a minute to decide whether I should look up the word light, lamp, or lantern, but after inspecting the object further, I decided to use lantern as the word to describe the light. A lantern, according the dictionary of symbols is "a symbol of enlightenment and spiritual light" (pg. 592). When looking this word up in the dream moods dictionary, it is said to represent "feelings and wisdom radiating within you". The client in this tray seems to be on a quest for something. Something that they really aren't sure of at this point. The author of this tray also talked about smelling something as they walked through the house. the lizard represents "primal instincts and reactions towards sex, food, and someone's anxieties towards those feelings" (dream moods dictionary). the lizard is also said to symbolize "creativity, renewal, and revitalization" (dream moods dictionary). The dictionary of symbols also calls the lizard a symbol of the "soul which humbly seeks excitement" (p.615).

I would first start with asking the client if there are some areas in their life where they are dissatisfied. The client seems to be on a quest searching for some confirmation in their purpose or looking for something or someone to tell them what their purpose is. This dream for me depicts someone who needs to search within themselves to determine where there purpose lies, or searching within to provide clarity and reason to their purpose.

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Disclaimer: This website and its content is intended for trained licensed mental health professionals and school certified mental health professionals to use for their clients / students at their own discretion.

*If you ignore the disclaimer above are using these techniques on yourself and you feel any discomfort or upset it is highly suggested that you seek out a licensed  mental health professional immediately.

"Beyond Art Therapy" is the concept from Dr. Stangline that combines all creative fields in therapy. It is not the traditional "art therapy" but goes beyond to include sand tray therapy, play therapy, mindfulness, meditation, color therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and a vast majority of other therapies.

For any other type of mental health emergency call your local 911 / Police Number immediately.

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